Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Big changes a-coming in February 2014!

Oh dear sweet people of the universe. On bended knee I apologize for the almost year-long delay in posting. In February of 2014 I will announce major changes not only with this long disregarded blog, but for this and blog website in general. I will unveil 2 new websites. Well, 1 new, 1 revamped. www.charleswaters.net will be given a total revamped look. It will be used for my professional acting career only. There'll be new headshots, acting reel, voice over samples and other surprises. In addition to that, I have a brand new website called www.charleswaterspoetry.com that will be unleashed upon the world. It will have my Poetry Time webisodes, plus 26 newly recorded poems added to the collection, children's poetry links to articles, interviews about yours truly, a brand new blog and other goodies. There's been very few months I've looked forward to with more hope and excitement than next month. So, thank you for being patient, continue to be so, the all-Charles, all the time websites will be arriving soon!