I (as I'm sure you might agree) cannot believe that we're 8 1/2 months done in 2010. It's been a year of continuing to learn, work hard and prosper. Here's what I've up to since the last update in June.
- Got another poem published in a blog. This one courtesy of David L. Harrison who has the distinction of being the only (as far as I know) living children's poet to have a school named after him. You can check my poem out by copy/pasting here:
- Was on the receiving end of my first poetry interview. Also courtesy of Mr. Harrison. You can check out my interview by copy/pasting here:
- Finished up sending the last of my Found Poems to writer Georgia Heard for her next poetry anthology. At final count I was able to send her around 35 poems. While she will not be able to choose all or most of them for that matter I feel I have a solid shot on something making the cut. Thanks again for asking me to be a part of it Georgia! The experience was challenging and enjoyable.
- Working on a children's poetry manuscript for THE NEW VOICES AWARD sponsored by LEE AND LOW books. This contest is for writers of color to submit their work in the hopes that their manuscript will be published. There's also a cash prize thrown in as well that ain't too shabby. Lee Bennett Hopkins, a legendary figure in children's poetry, encouraged me to take a shot at it so who am I to turn him down? So far it's coming along well I'm proud of the progress being made. I'll give you more information on it after the deadline for submission is over on September 30th.
- I hired a personal trainer! His name is Jeremy Brussard and he's putting me through my paces. I started working out a week ago because, well, I've been lazy about my health. Diabetes and heart disease are in my genes so it was time to get serious about living as long a life as I can. I have HUGE goals and dreams and it would be a shame they were all cut short because I didn't take care of myself. I've also been eating a whole lot better since going organic with my eating habits. My Jack Lalanne Power Juicer is in the mail (my first infomercial purchase ever) so I really feel I'm taking positive steps in making better choices in my life.
- Still doing the Disney thing at IDOL, INDY and WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS.
-Received my first residual checks from a SAG commercial I did for Verizon. Wow has that been a lovely thing to happen to me. May I get residual checks from now to the end of time!
- Looking forward to taking a seminar with Lori Wyman on Saturday. Lori is one of the most respected Casting Directors in the southeast. She's casted everything from MIAMI VICE to RECOUNT to THE GLADES as well as over 1,000 commercials. I've been sending my headshot/resume to her for months and am thrilled to not only meet her but learn how to be a better actor on camera.
I don't know if anyone reads these blog postings of mine but I do feel it's important to chart your progression. Let's continue to take charge of our lives and be thankful for the blessings we've received. I'd like to leave this post with a poem of mine. Enjoy.
This is how I see the world,
I see a lot of pain
Filled with bitter compromise
We can barely maintain.
This is how I see the world,
I see a helping hand
To prop you up when you are down
Across this grateful land.
This is how I see the world,
I see innocence lost
Thanks to greedy egocentrics
Who don’t care of the cost.
This is how I see the world,
I see a steady rise
Of people giving of themselves,
Our world is very wise.
(C) Charles Waters 2010